Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Stressed to the Max!

So, I went into my classroom for the first time this summer and not only was it deathly humid and hot; but, it also looked like this:
A COMPLETE blank slate. Exciting-yes. Stressful-I can't even think about it. 
I was only there for about an hour and I got to setting up and unloading a few things: 

To keep my desk or not? That is the question. It's bulky. I never sit at it. And I have my own teacher station. This thing may take a trip to the storage closet this year!

That's only HALF the books I was handed down for guided reading!

I have to attach my labels and organize my books on the other shelf. My carpet for my classroom library is drying from being shampooed. 

And at last, I may have a commuter "nook" this year so I can free up wall space that the computers took up last year.

I have new teacher orientation next week so I won't be able to get into my room again... Wahh! The good news is I am getting a ton done on my computer at home. I'll post more about those projects later and of course more progression pictures of my room as well. 

Three more weeks.... Where has the time gone?!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lights, Camera...ACTION!

Our school theme is Hollywood this year! I've been busy making little things here and there for my classroom that go with the theme (last year it was "Under the Sea") so I am basically starting from scratch in the decoration department...yikes!

Here are some library labels I created...


I also recently went to a CHAMPS training. I took the voice level idea and made it work into my theme as well...

And last but not least I made these really awesome Blooms Taxonomy cards for guided reading. I'm a newbie at reading this year so I've been obsessing over making sure I have as many resources as possible to make my life easier. Here they are...


Whelp that's all for me today! I went to party city and the Dollar Tree (uh-mazing teacher section for inexpensive goodies) for classroom decor. Pictures of my lovely room will be posted soon! 

~Miss Newman~